IIS Exploit - Easiest way to deface Website [Windows XP]

Posted by Devil's World On Thursday, 29 December 2011 0 comments
In IIS Exploit we can upload shells, Defaced page or anything you like on the Vulnerable Server without any Login. It is most Easiest  way to Hack any site.

STEP 1: Click on Start button and open "RUN".

STEP 2: Now Type  this in RUN
%WINDIR%\EXPLORER.EXE ,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{BDEADF00-C265-11d0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}
Now A Folder named "Web Folders" will open.

STEP 3: Now "Right-Click" in the folder and Goto "New" and then "Web Folder".

STEP 4: Now type the name of the Vulnerable site in this. e.g." http://autoqingdao.com/ " and click "Next".

STEP 5: Now Click on "Finish"

STEP 6: Now the folder will appear. You can open it and put any deface page or anything.

STEP 7: I put  text file in that folder. Named "c99.php" (you can put a txt or HTML file also). If the file appear in the folder then the Hack is successful but if it don't then the site is not Vulnerable.

Now to view the uploaded site i will go to "http://autoqingdao.com/c99.php"
In your case it will be " www.[sitename].com/[file name that you uploaded] "

Note: It's Working for Windows XP only. IIS exploit for Windows 7 will be posted soon....

List of other IIS vuln sites : Download
Password : worldofdevilangel


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